Thursday, May 21, 2015

Chapter 14 Blog Post


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Biomagnification Poster:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chapter 4 Test Question

1) You have learned that meiosis is a special form of cell division. Explain why meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction to take place. (2 points)

Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction because gametes (reproductive cells such as sperm and egg) are produced. Gametes are special cells because they have half a set of chromosomes that a usual cell has, like a body cell. This is because meiosis makes 4 daughter cells instead of two. Gametes have half a set of chromosomes because when fertilisation occurs, the sperm and the egg combine, producing a fertilised egg, which soon leads to a baby. It is impossible to have sexual reproduction without meiosis.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Chapter 4 Blog

1. This process produces gametes,
    4 daughter cells.
    It goes through interphase once,
    but PMAT twice.
    Don't mix it up with another.


2. This is a number,
    out of another number,
    after the integer,
    it has two dots and a slash,
    and it is a simple math term.


3. This is a polygon,
    but no ordinary one.
    It is separated into 4 sections,
    and is used to find,
    the offspring's possible genotypes.


4. This one is weaker than the other,
    always being masked.
    The other is always shown,
    unless this has
    a clone of itself.


5. This is the proper way,
    of passing on genes.
    Genes to the offspring,
    from the mother and father,
    and this gives me my characteristics.


1. Meiosis
2. Percentage
3. Punnett Square
4. Recessive
5. Heredity

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Heredity Word Problem

Red hair is recessive (r), while blond hair is dominant (R). If a red-haired woman marries a blond-haired man, what are the possible genotypes of the parents if 100% of their children will be blonde? Please show your work through a Punnett Square.

Known information:

Blond hair = dominant
Red hair = recessive

The red-haired woman's genotype has to be rr, since blond hair is dominant (recessive alleles require 2 copies of it to show in the phenotype).

The blond-haired man's genotype can either be Rr, or RR.

Rr:     ___r_______r___
     R |__Rr___|__Rr___|            With Rr, 50% will have blond hair, while 50% will have red hair.
     r  |__rr____|___rr___|  

RR:   ___r_______r___
     R |__Rr___|__Rr___|            With RR, 100% will have blond hair.
     R |__Rr___|__Rr___|  
Therefore, the genotypes of the parents are rr (red-haired woman) and RR (blond-haired man). RR x rr
His genotype is Rr, and the dominant allele is expressed in his phenotype, which is having blond hair.

*I made up the genotype of the blond-haired boy in the picture so it would fit in with the problem.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cells: Life Sustaining Processes

Our God is all-knowing. When He created us, He thought of every single detail that keeps us alive today. He even thought about the smallest living units in life - cells. He created several processes that cells go through to sustain life.

There is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of capturing the sunlight's energy and making it into sugar, otherwise known as sugar. This process only happens in plant cells. This process takes place in chloroplast, an organelle only found in plant cells. This process requires the carbon dioxide we breathe out and the energy from the sun. It produces water, glucose, and oxygen for us to breathe. Photosynthesis is how plants feed themselves.

Another process is cellular respiration. Every living thing does this process. It takes place in mitochondria, an organelle in every cell. This requires water, glucose, and oxygen. It produces carbon dioxide and energy that you use. Cellular respiration is how we get our energy.

As you can see, cellular respiration is a process that is basically photosynthesis, but reversed. God purposefully made it that way. Plants give us the oxygen we need, while we give them the carbon dioxide they need. We exchange materials to keep us alive. This is the cell cycle.

Without photosynthesis, we wouldn't be able to breathe, since plants produce oxygen through that process. Plants would die because they wouldn't have any glucose to consume. Plants would decrease, meaning that there would be less food for herbivores. They would die, and soon, we would die. This is called a food chain.

Without cellular respiration, we wouldn't have energy, since cellular respiration produces energy. Plants wouldn't get the carbon dioxide they need in order to perform photosynthesis. If you take away one of the processes, the whole cycle will not work.

Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

God was very thorough and detailed with His work. He made everything perfectly and exactly. There is no flaw in His creation.